We would love for you to include Our American Family in your work.
Addiction is a complex, challenging topic, and Our American Family, in its sharp specificity, handles it with grace.
– New York Times
Our American Family beautifully reveals how the process of recovery, for an individual and a family, happens by growing self-awareness, self-assertion, and self-determination.
– Psychology Today
More than anything, Our American Family gets across how exhausting this kind of life can be, as loved ones waver over whether they should be hands-off in their relationships or if they should be intensely involved. Should they blame themselves or forgive themselves? Figuring that out is hard work, but as this movie shows, it’s also necessary — and never hopeless.
– LA Times
There are plenty of movies, documentaries, and television specials, that center on users in the throes of addiction and take us through the horrors of detox… Our American Family is different.
– Philadelphia Inquirer
Sometimes you just don’t know how much a movie really strikes you or impacts you until you sit with it. That’s the real power of this movie here. It doesn’t hold its punches, it feels as raw and courageous as its subjects…
– Go Indie Now